Martes, Oktubre 14, 2014

Re - write the fairy tale, snow white

There was once a little princess whose skin was a white as snow, her lips as rosy as blood and her hair as black as ebony; and she was called snow white. But her mother fell ill and died, and her father soon married another wife who was very beautiful. She had a magical mirror to which she used to go and stare upon herself in it and say mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? The mirror answered “you are my majesty, but snow white grew more and more beautiful!” when she heard this, the jealous queen was very angry of snow white. She ordered her huntsman to take snow white to the forest and kill her. But when the huntsman reached the forest with snow white, he took pity on her and left her free. Snow white wandered in the dark forest all night crying.

Meanwhile, in the forest there lived a little people, there life in the woods was simple, they work in the mines, they dig gold in the mountains all day and come home at night. One of them is bashful. But one day he wandered in the forest and accidentally found snow white sleeping in the woods and she saw how beautiful snow white is, this shy little fella immediately looking for help back in the cottage. When snow white awakes she found herself in a small house with tiny beds, chairs, and tables and find out that she’s surrounded by a little people. The seven dwarfs, each one of them has a unique personality and the cutest is bashful he is extremely shy, particularly in front of snow white, his tendency to blush burying his head in his beard. He is the one who rescue snow white in the woods.

Snow white thanked him for what he did and give him a kiss on a cheek. His face turned red as he cover his face and hid his head in his beard. Snow white told them all her story, and they pitied her. And ask if she could stay for a while, and promise to take care of all the house works. And they all slept an hour till the night was gone.
They all lived happily until the wicked queen find out that snow white was still alive and living with the dwarfs. The wicked step mother was furious. She was actually a witch knew how to make potions. She disguised herself as an old woman and went to snow white. But the dwarfs was not fool, they knew that the queen would eventually find out where snow white is, so they set up a trap all around the house and told snow white to take care and let no one in. Then they went out all day long to their work, seeking for gold in the mountains.
 The queen roving in the woods near the house of the dwarfs. As she knock at the door acting like a peasant old woman she accidentally pressed something, and the next thing she knew was there was a huge rock coming from above hitting her head. When she awakes the queen ask her servant of what happen, her servant told her that she have found lying in the woods with an awful condition. The queen was really angry and said that the next time she will be very careful.

 The next day, the queen plan the second part to kill snow white. As usual she did not succeed, because the 7 seven dwarfs was taking a day off that day so they manage to protect snow white and kicked out the ugly, wicked, and jealous queens face. Snow white was very thankful of what the dwarfs did to her, and give each one of them a kiss on a cheek especially bashful, the shy one.

On a far away castle, the queen swear that this time she will succeed to take snow white lives, and laughing wickedly. As the thunder rumbling and heavy rain was falling, all the animals was frightened as the day turned to night and the wind blows wildly. At the mountains bashful was having a bad felling about what is happening around and telling the other dwarfs that they need to come home early. But they were too late, what they have found was snow white lying on the ground with a poisonous apple on his left hand and the wicked witch stood in front of her laughing wickedly and quickly disappeared. Snow white is dead, says bashful, crying helplessly.

As the storm passes by and the morning turns to mourning, the night of grieving and a feeling of hopelessness. All The seven dwarfs was in vain. And they made a coffin of glass so they can still look at her and watched, the seven dwarfs crying all day. On the last day of snow white funeral, a snowflakes falling down and the flower of roses emerging, snow white’s body was moving, her lovely eyes awoke, Her blooming pretty face was smiling. All the dwarfs was happy seeing snow white coming back to life.

The wicked and jealous queen was overcome with fear, she knew that she can’t kill snow white anymore because of what happen. She ran out into the woods trembling, fell ill and died.
From that day on, snow white lived in a great castle together with her 7 dwarf’s knight. And they all lived happily ever.


Lunes, Oktubre 13, 2014

Electricity is the recent discovery, think of 10 things to do when there's no power

      Electricity is the most successful discovery, without it there would be no television, computers, cell phones, and the digital world is no longer a reality. As a technology addict when there’s a power outage for a couple of hours is bad enough experience for me, but imagine if the power outage will stay down for days or even weeks! Now test yourself to consider life without electricity and know that there is a world out there that is not really hard without it. Here are the ten power outage activities you can do to maintain your saneness.

1. Get a book to read. Read a real book and make sure that you will be interested in the book or it might get boring. Candles and flashlight can help this effort and different to the popular belief, you won’t do permanent damage to your eyes.

2. Draw or paint. It is a fun activity to do when the power goes out. It gives you discovery how creative you are.

3. Exercise. This not that hard to do. Your neck, back and posture will be back into shape. Such as walk or run, or do jumping around your house. The power outage is probably a sign to get off your chair. It fun and great time to stay into shape. 

4. Play a game. Get your family or friends around table and play card games. Or play solitaire by yourself, it may be fun though. 

5. Eat. Although you are limited of what you can eat because of power outage. There are tons of great snacks, like cereals, cookies, biscuits, chips, get creative.

6. Take a nap. You need a break, if you’re at home no one will care. Just don’t snore.

7. Take a walk. Go to the park, socialize with people make many friends. Catch a fresh air outside your house.

8. Study. If you’re a student this is a good time to make your assignment or projects. Do it while you don’t have anything to do. You’ll never know if the power goes back you don’t have any time for it.

9. Write something. It may be for your love ones, or you want to compose something like a song, poem or writing a story. Just everything inside your head.

10. Do house work. Like do general cleaning into your house. Doing laundry, fixing stuff like your furniture etc.

Lunes, Setyembre 29, 2014

Digital Art vs. Traditional art

                I found this topic in an article in the web, arguing which is better digital art or traditional art? Ever since digital art was introduced this debate has been undecided the artistic community.

            On my second year as BS in Multimedia Arts in college I’ve found out that many of my classmates have been able to know digital tools for making art without learning the basic. In fact they have been struggled learning traditional, they hate it, but I realize that if you know both the fundamentals of the two you have the advantages. Like for examples if your employer wants you to draw a logo or something without using digital tools, how are you able to do that without knowing or experiencing traditional art, right? Well it’s my opinion, I mean as of now I enjoy making traditional more. It’s not that I like it rather than digital. I want a step by step process.

            The pros of traditional art include creating authentic art. Artists work with supplies and techniques that have been used for many centuries. Artists can sell both their original creation and prints of these, with the original creation valued around 3 times the price of the copies. However, in traditional art, there is not a lot of room for mistakes, and such mistakes can be rather hard to cover up. Traditional art is also limited to the amount of supplies the artist can afford. Most art supplies of professional and semi-professional quality are rather expensive and come in small quantities.

As for digital art, there are also many pros. With digital art, there is generally an ‘undo’ button, which can erase certain steps the artist took in their creative process. This erases steps much easier than with traditional art. Digital art software also allows some ‘shortcuts’ for artists, where they can easily change colors of their images or switch the direction their image is facing. Also, artists have an unlimited amount of styles they can use (such as “watercolor” or “acrylic” options in art software). There are also many cons when it comes to digital images. For one, art software, art tablets, and computers are rather expensive, especially when an artist is looking for very high-tech supplies. There is also no exact original copy of the digital art, so digital artists don’t have much price variants when it comes to selling their work. In addition to that, since most work is stored on a hard drive, it is very easy for works to be lost permanently. Artists also have to fight with their technical supplies to get them to work properly. Repairs to computers or artist tablets are often expensive.

In my opinion I suppose that in art nowadays many artist have become more and more dependent on computers but we need traditional as fundamentals, though no art is better than the other. It’s all art, artist should explore all forms of art, whether it’s traditional or digital. They said that “A computer in the hands of a skilled artist can be potentially be like Mozart in front a piano”.